Iriri Beach - Rio das Ostras(RJ)

praia para a família

Good for family

Known for its beauty and tranquility, Iriri Beach is a great destination for those visiting Rio das Ostras. With a wide range of clear sand, slightly choppy blue sea and a lagoon of the same name at the bottom, there is no way to resist this nook of nature. Veraneiro has some houses in the length of the beach, and usually receives many tourists during the holidays and summer. With a good infrastructure, it has kiosks with tables and chairs, and bathrooms. By relying on a large stretch of sand, the walk is very suitable for those who want to exercise. It's a great option for families, children and young people who find here a beautiful landscape, which is conducive to a wonderful day at the beach. of Iriri

DDD: 22
Conhece essa praia? Tem quiosques ou outros vendedores de comida?

At North:
Praia da Lagoa de Iriri
tempo 1 km/h
At South:
Praia Costa Azul
29º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

Known for its beauty and tranquility, Iriri Beach is a great destination for those visiting Rio das Ostras. With a wide range of clear sand, slightly choppy blue sea and a lagoon of the same name at the bottom, there is no way to resist this nook of nature. Veraneiro has some houses in the length of the beach, and usually receives many tourists during the holidays and summer. With a good infrastructure, it has kiosks with tables and chairs, and bathrooms. By relying on a large stretch of sand, the walk is very suitable for those who want to exercise. It's a great option for families, children and young people who find here a beautiful landscape, which is conducive to a wonderful day at the beach. of Iriri

DDD: 22

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