Lagoa de Iriri Beach - Rio das Ostras(RJ)

praia para a família

Good for family

Known by locals and tourists as Lagoa da Coca-Cola, the Iriri Lagoon has this name because of the color of its waters, which are dark to present large amounts of iodine. Despite the color of the water, it is very favorable to the bathroom, getting many tourists during the season. It's a great place for families with children who here can play and swim carefree, caring only the depth of the pond. With a small paved waterfront, it has kiosks with tables, serving good snacks. You can also park near the site, which favors access. Pond one can see the Iriri Beach, which gives the option to attending the site vary slightly and may now be in the lagoon, either on the beach. the Iriri Lagoon

DDD: 22
Praia da Lagoa de Iriri / Oiapoque
Praia da Lagoa de Iriri / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? O transporte público leva até esta praia?

At North:
Praia da Enseada
tempo 1 km/h
At South:
Praia de Iriri
29º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

Known by locals and tourists as Lagoa da Coca-Cola, the Iriri Lagoon has this name because of the color of its waters, which are dark to present large amounts of iodine. Despite the color of the water, it is very favorable to the bathroom, getting many tourists during the season. It's a great place for families with children who here can play and swim carefree, caring only the depth of the pond. With a small paved waterfront, it has kiosks with tables, serving good snacks. You can also park near the site, which favors access. Pond one can see the Iriri Beach, which gives the option to attending the site vary slightly and may now be in the lagoon, either on the beach. the Iriri Lagoon

DDD: 22

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