Santiago Beach - São Sebastião(SP)

praia para a família

Good for family

A 13 kms from the center of San Sebastian, the Toque Toque Pequeno Beach has many natural beauties that attract many people. What draws more attention to the region outside the natural beauty, it is the fish trade, which is made right there on the beach, by the fishermen. Tap Tap Small

DDD: 12
Praia de Santiago / Oiapoque
Praia de Santiago / Oiapoque
Praia de Santiago / Oiapoque
Praia de Santiago / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada com bares, boates e afins?

At North:
Praia de Toque Toque Pequeno
tempo 1 km/h
At South:
Praia do Paúba
29º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

A 13 kms from the center of San Sebastian, the Toque Toque Pequeno Beach has many natural beauties that attract many people. What draws more attention to the region outside the natural beauty, it is the fish trade, which is made right there on the beach, by the fishermen. Tap Tap Small

DDD: 12

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