Long Beach - São Sebastião(SP)

This beach is on private property and access is possible through the Great beaches and Pitangueiras, through the stones. It is a crossing with a certain degree of difficulty and should be done at low tide. Another option is to arrive by sea using a boat. It is a beach of small extension with soft sand and clear and a calm sea. You should be ultimately for making some care, because sometimes there are brave dogs loose on the beach. Zimbra
Site: http://www.saosebastiao.sp.gov.br/
DDD: 12
Conhece essa praia? Para acessar, é preciso caminhar em trilha por mais de 100 metros?

At North:
Praia Preta
tempo 1 km/h
At South:
Praia das Pitangueiras
29º Moisture

This beach is on private property and access is possible through the Great beaches and Pitangueiras, through the stones. It is a crossing with a certain degree of difficulty and should be done at low tide. Another option is to arrive by sea using a boat. It is a beach of small extension with soft sand and clear and a calm sea. You should be ultimately for making some care, because sometimes there are brave dogs loose on the beach. Zimbra
Site: http://www.saosebastiao.sp.gov.br/
DDD: 12

Ubatuba São Sebastião Rio de Janeiro Salvador Guarujá Maceió Tibau do Sul Natal Tamandaré Maragogi Ilha de Boipeba Camaçari Bombinhas Torres Capão da Canoa