Itacoatiara Little Beach - Niterói(RJ)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

fluffy and white sands, as well as hills and rocks can be found on the beach. It is an extension of the beach Itacoatiara in Niteroi. The small beach is frequented by families with children because of a stone wall that creates a beautiful pool, safe for children. The large stone, known as stone Pampo prevents the agitation of the waves disturb the enjoyment of swimmers when the tide is low. Unlike the beach Itacoatiara which is perfect for surfers surfing amidst the mighty waves of the sea green color. To enjoy the beach on the weekend is necessary to arrive early as this area is disputed by visitors. Ambulant and poop carts can be found on the waterfront.  The map of Prainha Itacoatiara

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
Não é uma praia urbana, não fica na cidade.
Não é preciso caminhar em trilha.
A praia não tem muita vegetação a sua volta.

DDD: 21
Prainha de Itacoatiara / Oiapoque
Prainha de Itacoatiara / Oiapoque
Prainha de Itacoatiara / Oiapoque
Prainha de Itacoatiara / Oiapoque
Prainha de Itacoatiara / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? É possível chegar de carro a menos de 100 metros desta praia?

At North:
Praia de Itacoatiara
tempo 4 km/h
At South:
Praia de Itaipú
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

fluffy and white sands, as well as hills and rocks can be found on the beach. It is an extension of the beach Itacoatiara in Niteroi. The small beach is frequented by families with children because of a stone wall that creates a beautiful pool, safe for children. The large stone, known as stone Pampo prevents the agitation of the waves disturb the enjoyment of swimmers when the tide is low. Unlike the beach Itacoatiara which is perfect for surfers surfing amidst the mighty waves of the sea green color. To enjoy the beach on the weekend is necessary to arrive early as this area is disputed by visitors. Ambulant and poop carts can be found on the waterfront.  The map of Prainha Itacoatiara

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
Não é uma praia urbana, não fica na cidade.
Não é preciso caminhar em trilha.
A praia não tem muita vegetação a sua volta.

DDD: 21

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