Cáis Beach - Niterói(RJ)

praia para a família

Good for family

Located in Jurujuba neighborhood, this small beach has on its right side, a nautical club and a pier where fishermen moor their boats to unload their catch. A beach with calm and green waters with several moored boats, usually frequented by locals, although not highly recommended for bathing due to pollution issues. In his fine white sands occur often a disputed soccer joginho among residents. In its coast there are several almond trees, some bars and simple restaurants and the homes of the families of fishermen living there. pIER

Site: http://www.niteroi.rj.gov.br/
DDD: 21
Conhece essa praia? É possível chegar de carro a menos de 100 metros desta praia?

At North:
Praia de Jurujuba
tempo 3 km/h
At South:
Praia de Salinas
29º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

Located in Jurujuba neighborhood, this small beach has on its right side, a nautical club and a pier where fishermen moor their boats to unload their catch. A beach with calm and green waters with several moored boats, usually frequented by locals, although not highly recommended for bathing due to pollution issues. In his fine white sands occur often a disputed soccer joginho among residents. In its coast there are several almond trees, some bars and simple restaurants and the homes of the families of fishermen living there. pIER

Site: http://www.niteroi.rj.gov.br/
DDD: 21

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