The prevailing flora and the tracks do not seem to end. asphalted parking lots are an option for those traveling by car. Visitors can stay in summer houses, camping areas, cabins and lodges. The path goes through a track with dry branches, surrounded by greenery and sand, it is part of the condo where the beach is located. Adventurers can access the famous waterfall Prumirim. Upon arriving at the waterfront view is the immensity of the sea, the fluffy cream-colored sand and even the beautiful Island Prumirim, considered a good place for diving. Beach, boats depart to visit the island. For those who prefer to stay on site you can go trekking, other sports or simply extend the towel on the floor and sunbathing because its sand range is extensive. Also, bathers can enjoy the waters of the blue-green sea, because the waves are light and perfect. Some kiosks and rustic restaurants with tables and colorful wooden chairs and plastic also are ideal for those wishing to enjoy snacks and seafood. Prumirim
Conhece essa praia?
A praia conta com atrações pagas como passeios de buggy, barco ou mergulho?
Conhece essa praia?
Você considera uma praia urbana (no meio da cidade)?
Conhece essa praia?
Você considera uma praia movimentada?
Conhece essa praia?
O acesso é somente por barco?
Conhece essa praia?
Tem quiosques ou outros vendedores de comida?
Conhece essa praia?
É possível chegar de carro a menos de 100 metros desta praia?
Conhece essa praia?
Você acha uma praia segura para crianças?
Conhece essa praia?
O transporte público leva até esta praia?
Conhece essa praia?
A praia tem bastante vegetação a sua volta?
Conhece essa praia?
Existem hospedagens próximas da praia?
Conhece essa praia?
Para acessar, é preciso caminhar em trilha por mais de 100 metros?
Conhece essa praia?
Para acessar, é preciso pegar estrada não pavimentada (de terra ou areia)?
Conhece essa praia?
A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada com bares, boates e afins?
The prevailing flora and the tracks do not seem to end. asphalted parking lots are an option for those traveling by car. Visitors can stay in summer houses, camping areas, cabins and lodges. The path goes through a track with dry branches, surrounded by greenery and sand, it is part of the condo where the beach is located. Adventurers can access the famous waterfall Prumirim. Upon arriving at the waterfront view is the immensity of the sea, the fluffy cream-colored sand and even the beautiful Island Prumirim, considered a good place for diving. Beach, boats depart to visit the island. For those who prefer to stay on site you can go trekking, other sports or simply extend the towel on the floor and sunbathing because its sand range is extensive. Also, bathers can enjoy the waters of the blue-green sea, because the waves are light and perfect. Some kiosks and rustic restaurants with tables and colorful wooden chairs and plastic also are ideal for those wishing to enjoy snacks and seafood. Prumirim