Pitinga Beach - Porto Seguro(BA)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia deserta

Deserted beach

This beach has a stunning setting, especially because of its high cliffs surrounded by rainforest. It is considered one of the most popular and exotic beaches of the village. To have access to it the visitor can go by car, the center of the Camp, or walk the beach Mucugê. One of the main attractions are its lodges and tents with excellent infrastructure serving excellent dishes with seafood, such as fish tile, breaded shrimp and lots of beer. The beach sand is soft and perfect for hiking. As for lovers of extreme sports, it is worth taking a paragliding flight. Another sport that can be practiced is kite surfing. The sea water is crystal clear, calm and great for swimmers. As it forms coral reefs where the waves break, there own dive sites known as Reef Chapeirões. Even on the beach, there is a more secluded and deserted area of ??virgin forest, where people can make naturalism. Pitinga

Site: http://www.PortoSeguro.ba.gov.br/
DDD: 73
Praia da Pitinga / Oiapoque
Praia da Pitinga / Oiapoque
Praia da Pitinga / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Você considera uma praia urbana (no meio da cidade)?

At North:
Praia do Parracho
tempo 5 km/h
At South:
Praia da Lagoa Azul
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia deserta

Deserted beach

This beach has a stunning setting, especially because of its high cliffs surrounded by rainforest. It is considered one of the most popular and exotic beaches of the village. To have access to it the visitor can go by car, the center of the Camp, or walk the beach Mucugê. One of the main attractions are its lodges and tents with excellent infrastructure serving excellent dishes with seafood, such as fish tile, breaded shrimp and lots of beer. The beach sand is soft and perfect for hiking. As for lovers of extreme sports, it is worth taking a paragliding flight. Another sport that can be practiced is kite surfing. The sea water is crystal clear, calm and great for swimmers. As it forms coral reefs where the waves break, there own dive sites known as Reef Chapeirões. Even on the beach, there is a more secluded and deserted area of ??virgin forest, where people can make naturalism. Pitinga

Site: http://www.PortoSeguro.ba.gov.br/
DDD: 73

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