Pitimbu Beach - Pitimbu(PB)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

large expanse of beach and pleasant climate, is located in the center of the city. Usually receive a good number of tourists during the high season, which take the opportunity to relax, take a refreshing swim and enjoy good times. It has a good range of golden and soft sand, the sea is calm, forming small waves when windy. Crystal clear, it is suitable for bathing and water sports such as jet skiing and windsurfing. Coconut trees adorn the beautiful scenery of the place, which is usually highly sought by young people during the summer, playing volleyball and soccer in the sand. The visitor has good infrastructure on this beach with bars and kiosks serving snacks and drinks. For those seeking leisure, you can also take a boat ride. of Pitimbu

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
Não é possível comprar comida ou bebida na praia.

Site: https://www.Pitimbu.pb.gov.br/
DDD: 83
Conhece essa praia? O acesso é somente por barco?

At North:
tempo 5 km/h
At South:
Praia dos Mariscos
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

large expanse of beach and pleasant climate, is located in the center of the city. Usually receive a good number of tourists during the high season, which take the opportunity to relax, take a refreshing swim and enjoy good times. It has a good range of golden and soft sand, the sea is calm, forming small waves when windy. Crystal clear, it is suitable for bathing and water sports such as jet skiing and windsurfing. Coconut trees adorn the beautiful scenery of the place, which is usually highly sought by young people during the summer, playing volleyball and soccer in the sand. The visitor has good infrastructure on this beach with bars and kiosks serving snacks and drinks. For those seeking leisure, you can also take a boat ride. of Pitimbu

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
Não é possível comprar comida ou bebida na praia.

Site: https://www.Pitimbu.pb.gov.br/
DDD: 83

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