Alegre Beach - Penha(SC)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

Known as one of the quietest beaches in the city, it is considered a great option for a nice quiet day. Usually receive a good number of tourists during the peak season, mostly families with children, who enjoy the tranquil waters to bathe and play. Its beautiful visual attracts many visitors and is also a good choice for nature lovers, as this beach has preserved native forest. With a good clear strip of sand, it has calm sea, transparent waters, suitable for swimming and water sports such as kayaking and winfsurf. In summer, many young people enjoy to play football or volleyball, while adults opt for a walk. It has good infrastructure, with bars and kiosks serving snacks and drinks. joyful

DDD: 47
Praia Alegre / Oiapoque
Praia Alegre / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Para acessar, é preciso pegar estrada não pavimentada (de terra ou areia)?

At North:
tempo 7 km/h
At South:
Praia da Armação
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

Known as one of the quietest beaches in the city, it is considered a great option for a nice quiet day. Usually receive a good number of tourists during the peak season, mostly families with children, who enjoy the tranquil waters to bathe and play. Its beautiful visual attracts many visitors and is also a good choice for nature lovers, as this beach has preserved native forest. With a good clear strip of sand, it has calm sea, transparent waters, suitable for swimming and water sports such as kayaking and winfsurf. In summer, many young people enjoy to play football or volleyball, while adults opt for a walk. It has good infrastructure, with bars and kiosks serving snacks and drinks. joyful

DDD: 47

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