Lagoinha Beach - Paraipaba(CE)

praia para a família

Good for family

quiet beach great extent, is considered one of Paraipaba refuges. Its beautiful visual and peaceful atmosphere pleasing tourists visiting the place, which enontram here a great choice for a quiet day at the beach. With a good stretch of golden sand, it has calm sea, with small waves, very suitable for bathing and for water sports. With coconut trees for almost the entire length of the beach, the landscape of the place is very beautiful and is a great option for those who wish to relax on a beautiful beach. It has good infrastructure, with bars and restaurants serving snacks and drinks, and provide tables and chairs, and tents. It's a great option for a nice family day. Lagoinha
DDD: 85
Conhece essa praia? A praia tem bastante vegetação a sua volta?

At North:
tempo 2 km/h
At South:
Praia do Capim Açu
30º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

quiet beach great extent, is considered one of Paraipaba refuges. Its beautiful visual and peaceful atmosphere pleasing tourists visiting the place, which enontram here a great choice for a quiet day at the beach. With a good stretch of golden sand, it has calm sea, with small waves, very suitable for bathing and for water sports. With coconut trees for almost the entire length of the beach, the landscape of the place is very beautiful and is a great option for those who wish to relax on a beautiful beach. It has good infrastructure, with bars and restaurants serving snacks and drinks, and provide tables and chairs, and tents. It's a great option for a nice family day. Lagoinha
DDD: 85

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