Ponta Negra Beach - Natal(RN)

praia para a família

Good for family

Beach great extent and beauty, has approximately 12 kilometers of pure beauty. It is one of the busiest beaches of Natal, receiving a large number of tourists during the peak season. It's a great option for a nice day at the beach, whether with family or friends. With a spacious white sand strip, it has calm sea, blue-green color, very suitable for a bath. On one part of the edge of this beach were built many upscale buildings, as well as various options of hotels. In another part of the waterfront are present kiosks, bars and restaurants, which are often played by visitors. Even being an urbanized and busy beach is a good option to relax, have a delicious swim and eat a snack. Ponta Negra

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia bem movimentada.
A praia conta com vendedores de comidas e bebidas.
É uma praia perigosa para crianças.
Não é preciso pegar estrada de terra.
Não é necessário barco para acessar a praia.
Existem hospedagens próximas da praia.
A praia tem bastante vegetação a sua volta.
A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada.

Site: https://www.Natal.rn.gov.br/
DDD: 84
Praia de Ponta Negra / Oiapoque
Praia de Ponta Negra / Oiapoque
Praia de Ponta Negra / Oiapoque
Praia de Ponta Negra / Oiapoque
Praia de Ponta Negra / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Tem quiosques ou outros vendedores de comida?

At North:
Praia Via Costeira
tempo 2 km/h
At South:
29º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

Beach great extent and beauty, has approximately 12 kilometers of pure beauty. It is one of the busiest beaches of Natal, receiving a large number of tourists during the peak season. It's a great option for a nice day at the beach, whether with family or friends. With a spacious white sand strip, it has calm sea, blue-green color, very suitable for a bath. On one part of the edge of this beach were built many upscale buildings, as well as various options of hotels. In another part of the waterfront are present kiosks, bars and restaurants, which are often played by visitors. Even being an urbanized and busy beach is a good option to relax, have a delicious swim and eat a snack. Ponta Negra

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia bem movimentada.
A praia conta com vendedores de comidas e bebidas.
É uma praia perigosa para crianças.
Não é preciso pegar estrada de terra.
Não é necessário barco para acessar a praia.
Existem hospedagens próximas da praia.
A praia tem bastante vegetação a sua volta.
A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada.

Site: https://www.Natal.rn.gov.br/
DDD: 84

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