Forte Beach - Macaé(RJ)

Located in Macaé, Praia do Forte is one of the lowest in the region. Receives many visitors for hosting the Fort Marechal Hermes, from where its name, which is one of the historical heritage of the city. With a wide stretch of golden sand and calm blue sea, it is not always that is suitable for bathing, being recommended for tourists to check before the sea conditions. It is one of the beaches most green area of ??Macae, generating shade for those who want to rest. Most of its visitors are fishermen, since there is a predominance of fish in most of the city's beaches. For this reason, it is common to see boats moored on the sand and in the sea. It's a good place to admire the setting of the sun. Forte

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
É possível chegar de carro até a praia.
Não existem hospedagens próximas da praia.
A praia conta com transporte público por perto.

DDD: 22
Conhece essa praia? A praia conta com atrações pagas como passeios de buggy, barco ou mergulho?

At North:
Praia da Barra
tempo 3 km/h
At South:
Praia de Imbetiba
29º Moisture

Located in Macaé, Praia do Forte is one of the lowest in the region. Receives many visitors for hosting the Fort Marechal Hermes, from where its name, which is one of the historical heritage of the city. With a wide stretch of golden sand and calm blue sea, it is not always that is suitable for bathing, being recommended for tourists to check before the sea conditions. It is one of the beaches most green area of ??Macae, generating shade for those who want to rest. Most of its visitors are fishermen, since there is a predominance of fish in most of the city's beaches. For this reason, it is common to see boats moored on the sand and in the sea. It's a good place to admire the setting of the sun. Forte

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia com pouco movimento.
É possível chegar de carro até a praia.
Não existem hospedagens próximas da praia.
A praia conta com transporte público por perto.

DDD: 22

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