Outeiro Beach - Ilha de Boipeba(BA)

This beach is made by many reefs and is a continuation of the beach of Boca da Barra. Near the coast, the waves are very weak and the sea is clear and delicious water. For swimmers, pools are formed during low tide, ideal for a good swim. In some stretches its sand is composed of gravel in others, it is white and fluffy. Also has stones on the waterfront and many tall coconut trees, small, sloping and in every way, and houses on top of the hill that complement the beautiful scenery. Ecotourists to walk through the woods, find a place full of fauna and flora riches, and exciting nature trails. Just bring a camera to capture the best views even glimpse a part of the coast of Tinharé. Inside the Outeiro, is a hidden beach called beach of stones, which is often unknown even by the natives themselves. Outeiro

Site: http://cairu.ba.io.org.br/noticia/103561/Prefeitura-de-Cairu-investe-em-importantes-obras-para-Boipeba
Praia do Outeiro / Oiapoque
Praia do Outeiro / Oiapoque
Praia do Outeiro / Oiapoque
Praia do Outeiro / Oiapoque
Praia do Outeiro / Oiapoque
Praia do Outeiro / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Tem quiosques ou outros vendedores de comida?

At North:
Praia Boca da Barra
0 km/h
At South:
Praia de Tassimirim
º Moisture

This beach is made by many reefs and is a continuation of the beach of Boca da Barra. Near the coast, the waves are very weak and the sea is clear and delicious water. For swimmers, pools are formed during low tide, ideal for a good swim. In some stretches its sand is composed of gravel in others, it is white and fluffy. Also has stones on the waterfront and many tall coconut trees, small, sloping and in every way, and houses on top of the hill that complement the beautiful scenery. Ecotourists to walk through the woods, find a place full of fauna and flora riches, and exciting nature trails. Just bring a camera to capture the best views even glimpse a part of the coast of Tinharé. Inside the Outeiro, is a hidden beach called beach of stones, which is often unknown even by the natives themselves. Outeiro

Site: http://cairu.ba.io.org.br/noticia/103561/Prefeitura-de-Cairu-investe-em-importantes-obras-para-Boipeba

Ubatuba São Sebastião Rio de Janeiro Salvador Guarujá Maceió Tibau do Sul Natal Tamandaré Maragogi Ilha de Boipeba Camaçari Bombinhas Torres Capão da Canoa