Canto dos Ganchos Beach - Governador Celso Ramos(SC)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

good long beach, is known for its more rustic and simple look. It is a quiet place, home to a large community of fishermen, who take this beach most of their livelihood. It is still little known by tourists, frequented mostly by locals near and the fishermen themselves. It has a good stretch of sand golden and thick sand, while the sea is calm, forming small waves when windy. With clear water is suitable for bathing and water sports such as jet skiing, windsurfing and kayaking. It is a good choice for a quiet day at the beach, for those who like simple life. This beach has native forest preserved, and can be a good option for nature lovers. A good tip is to take food and drinks so that no unforeseen happen. Corner Hooks

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia perigosa para crianças.
A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada.

DDD: 49
Conhece essa praia? Você considera uma praia urbana (no meio da cidade)?

At North:
tempo 5 km/h
At South:
Praia de Calheiros
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

good long beach, is known for its more rustic and simple look. It is a quiet place, home to a large community of fishermen, who take this beach most of their livelihood. It is still little known by tourists, frequented mostly by locals near and the fishermen themselves. It has a good stretch of sand golden and thick sand, while the sea is calm, forming small waves when windy. With clear water is suitable for bathing and water sports such as jet skiing, windsurfing and kayaking. It is a good choice for a quiet day at the beach, for those who like simple life. This beach has native forest preserved, and can be a good option for nature lovers. A good tip is to take food and drinks so that no unforeseen happen. Corner Hooks

Segundo os usuários...
É uma praia perigosa para crianças.
A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada.

DDD: 49

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