Surf Beach - Camaçari(BA)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

One of the tree-lined beaches in the area, this beautiful place is ideal for nature lovers. Surrounded by palm trees, it has a beautiful stone path, where visitors can take a walk at sunset. It has a short stretch of sand, the sea is slightly agitated, water in green tone. It is very suitable for bathing and for water sports. A good tip for those visiting the place is to take food and drink and make a picnic at sunset.   Surf

DDD: 71
Conhece essa praia? O acesso é somente por barco?

At North:
Praia de Itacimirim
tempo 1 km/h
At South:
Praia dos Corais
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

One of the tree-lined beaches in the area, this beautiful place is ideal for nature lovers. Surrounded by palm trees, it has a beautiful stone path, where visitors can take a walk at sunset. It has a short stretch of sand, the sea is slightly agitated, water in green tone. It is very suitable for bathing and for water sports. A good tip for those visiting the place is to take food and drink and make a picnic at sunset.   Surf

DDD: 71

Ubatuba São Sebastião Rio de Janeiro Salvador Guarujá Maceió Tibau do Sul Natal Tamandaré Maragogi Ilha de Boipeba Camaçari Bombinhas Torres Capão da Canoa