Barrinha Beach - Cajueiro da Praia(PI)

quiet beach Mid extension, is known as one of the city's shelters. Unspoilt by tourism, the place is still barely known by most visiting the city. It is usually frequented by locals, fishermen and a few adventurous tourists during weekends and holidays. Has a good clear strip of sand, the sea is rough, with good waves especially when windy. It is suitable for a bath. Its peaceful atmosphere makes this beach one of the best options for those seeking a good place to relax, take a refreshing swim and replenish energy. Being busy little, it does not have next infrastructure, and indicated that the visitor light food and drinks not to happen unexpected. Barrinha
DDD: 86
Praia de Barrinha / Oiapoque
Praia de Barrinha / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? O acesso é somente por barco?

At North:
tempo 4 km/h
At South:
Praia de Barra Grande
30º Moisture

quiet beach Mid extension, is known as one of the city's shelters. Unspoilt by tourism, the place is still barely known by most visiting the city. It is usually frequented by locals, fishermen and a few adventurous tourists during weekends and holidays. Has a good clear strip of sand, the sea is rough, with good waves especially when windy. It is suitable for a bath. Its peaceful atmosphere makes this beach one of the best options for those seeking a good place to relax, take a refreshing swim and replenish energy. Being busy little, it does not have next infrastructure, and indicated that the visitor light food and drinks not to happen unexpected. Barrinha
DDD: 86

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