Morrinhos Beach - Bombinhas(SC)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

Beach of great beauty and tranquility, has just over 1 kilometer long. It is known to be a good option for those looking for a place to relax and have a delicious swim. During the high season usually receive a good number of tourists, especially families with children, who can play and swim without worry. The rest of the year is frequented by many fishermen who sell fish always fresh in fisheries are in place. Has a good clear strip of sand, the sea is blue, calm, clear waters, suitable couple bathing and water sports such as kayaking and windsurfing. It is a good option for a nice summer day, and a good tip is to take food and drinks so that no unforeseen happen. Morrinhos

DDD: 47
Praia de Morrinhos / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? O transporte público leva até esta praia?

At North:
Praia da Conceição
tempo 3 km/h
At South:
Praia de Zimbros
29º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

Beach of great beauty and tranquility, has just over 1 kilometer long. It is known to be a good option for those looking for a place to relax and have a delicious swim. During the high season usually receive a good number of tourists, especially families with children, who can play and swim without worry. The rest of the year is frequented by many fishermen who sell fish always fresh in fisheries are in place. Has a good clear strip of sand, the sea is blue, calm, clear waters, suitable couple bathing and water sports such as kayaking and windsurfing. It is a good option for a nice summer day, and a good tip is to take food and drinks so that no unforeseen happen. Morrinhos

DDD: 47

Ubatuba São Sebastião Rio de Janeiro Salvador Guarujá Maceió Tibau do Sul Natal Tamandaré Maragogi Ilha de Boipeba Camaçari Bombinhas Torres Capão da Canoa