Jardim Raphael Beach - Bertioga(SP)

more quiet beach, located in Garden Raphael neighborhood. In single houses, a sandy road takes visitors to the beach. You can stop the car or bike in the sand and watch the sea. The place is quiet and its visitors can relax and sunbathe away from the agitations of other beaches. The sand has a dark color, is hard and can enjoy your space to perform other activities. The sea is rough.   garden Raphael

Site: http://www.bertioga.sp.gov.br/
DDD: 13
Praia Jardim Raphael / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? A praia conta com atrações pagas como passeios de buggy, barco ou mergulho?

At North:
Praia Vista Linda
tempo 4 km/h
At South:
Praia Jardim Canções
30º Moisture

more quiet beach, located in Garden Raphael neighborhood. In single houses, a sandy road takes visitors to the beach. You can stop the car or bike in the sand and watch the sea. The place is quiet and its visitors can relax and sunbathe away from the agitations of other beaches. The sand has a dark color, is hard and can enjoy your space to perform other activities. The sea is rough.   garden Raphael

Site: http://www.bertioga.sp.gov.br/
DDD: 13

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