Morro Branco Beach - Beberibe(CE)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

Considered one of the corners of Beberibe, this beautiful beach enchants its visitors, who during the high season usually frequent the place. Great option for a quiet day, no one can resist a dip in the clean waters of this beach. With a good stretch of golden sand, it has blue sea with good waves, especially when windy. In the summer, young people tend to take advantage of the good waves for surfing. With good infrastructure, this beach has bars and restaurants serving great snacks and drinks that can be enjoyed at one of the tables at the seaside. The setting of the sun is one of the attractions of the place, and can be admired with a walk. With establishments and homes across the edge of the beach, there are many options for a peaceful day, even for those who do not give up comfort. White Hill

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DDD: 85
Praia de Morro Branco / Oiapoque
Praia de Morro Branco / Oiapoque
Praia de Morro Branco / Oiapoque
Praia de Morro Branco / Oiapoque
Praia de Morro Branco / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? Você considera uma praia urbana (no meio da cidade)?

At North:
tempo 2 km/h
At South:
Praia das Fontes
29º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

Considered one of the corners of Beberibe, this beautiful beach enchants its visitors, who during the high season usually frequent the place. Great option for a quiet day, no one can resist a dip in the clean waters of this beach. With a good stretch of golden sand, it has blue sea with good waves, especially when windy. In the summer, young people tend to take advantage of the good waves for surfing. With good infrastructure, this beach has bars and restaurants serving great snacks and drinks that can be enjoyed at one of the tables at the seaside. The setting of the sun is one of the attractions of the place, and can be admired with a walk. With establishments and homes across the edge of the beach, there are many options for a peaceful day, even for those who do not give up comfort. White Hill

Segundo os usuários...
É possível chegar de carro até a praia.

DDD: 85

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