Atalaia Beach - Aracaju(SE)

praia para a família

Good for family

Considered one of the most famous beaches in the region, it is also one of the most visited places by tourists during the high season. It has about 6 kilometers long and natural beauty, is a good choice for all audiences. Pleasant climate, is ideal to spend a beautiful vacation day, whether with family or friends. It has a long stretch of golden soft sand, the sea is calm, with some small waves depending on weather. Transparent waters, is ideal for bathing and to practice some water sports. This beach has excellent infrastructure with bars and restaurants serving local cuisine. In the summer, usually quite popular for families with children, who can play and swim without worry. the Watchtower

DDD: 79
Praia do Atalaia / Oiapoque
Praia do Atalaia / Oiapoque
Praia do Atalaia / Oiapoque
Praia do Atalaia / Oiapoque
Praia do Atalaia / Oiapoque

Conhece essa praia? A praia tem uma vida noturna agitada com bares, boates e afins?

At North:
Praia dos Artistas
tempo 3 km/h
At South:
Praia Passarela do Caranguejo
30º Moisture

praia para a família

Good for family

Considered one of the most famous beaches in the region, it is also one of the most visited places by tourists during the high season. It has about 6 kilometers long and natural beauty, is a good choice for all audiences. Pleasant climate, is ideal to spend a beautiful vacation day, whether with family or friends. It has a long stretch of golden soft sand, the sea is calm, with some small waves depending on weather. Transparent waters, is ideal for bathing and to practice some water sports. This beach has excellent infrastructure with bars and restaurants serving local cuisine. In the summer, usually quite popular for families with children, who can play and swim without worry. the Watchtower

DDD: 79

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