Ytacaranha Beach - Aquiraz(CE)

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

large coastal beach, is known for being one of Aquiraz refuges. In the summer, you receive a good number of tourists, who find here a good place to relax and have a delicious swim. With a large range of white sand, blue sea features, ranging pro green depending on the time, and it has good waves. It's a nice choice for a quiet day at the beach, either with family or friends. The place has good infrastructure with kiosks serving snacks and drinks, and provide some thatched bungalows for those who prefer to stay in the shade. Ideal for sports such as football, volleyball and racquetball, surfing is also a good choice for those who like more adventure. of Ytacaranha
DDD: 85
Conhece essa praia? Você considera uma praia urbana (no meio da cidade)?

At North:
Praia de Golf Ville
tempo 6 km/h
At South:
Praia do Japão
30º Moisture

praia de surfe

Good for surfing

praia para a família

Good for family

large coastal beach, is known for being one of Aquiraz refuges. In the summer, you receive a good number of tourists, who find here a good place to relax and have a delicious swim. With a large range of white sand, blue sea features, ranging pro green depending on the time, and it has good waves. It's a nice choice for a quiet day at the beach, either with family or friends. The place has good infrastructure with kiosks serving snacks and drinks, and provide some thatched bungalows for those who prefer to stay in the shade. Ideal for sports such as football, volleyball and racquetball, surfing is also a good choice for those who like more adventure. of Ytacaranha
DDD: 85

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